Achieving Together

Welcome to Wolverhampton Vocational Training Centre (WVTC). WVTC opened in September 2015 and provides a unique learning environment to young adults, aged 16-18 with Special Educational Needs. Students are taught in an open, contextual and active environment to keep them engaged, giving them the optimum learning environment for their needs.

WVTC aims to offer students with Special Educational Needs the chance to gain vital employability skills by providing practical, personally-tailored flexible courses within a unique learning environment.

Our aim is to ensure all students who leave our care are supported to make a positive contribution to society by gaining employment and living their lives as independently as possible.

Latest News

OFSTED Consultation

We’re asking parents, carers, professionals and learners what they think about our proposals to improve education inspections and our new report cards for providers.

Macmillan Coffee Morning Letter

W’ton Vocational Training Centre Millfields Road Ettingshall Wolverhampton WV4 6JP T: 01902 552274 E:   9th September 2024 Dear Parent/Guardian Re: MacMillan Coffee Morning   On Thursday 26th September 2023, we will be hosting...