Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Overview
Wolverhampton Vocational Training Centre (WVTC) has accommodation for 50 full time students with an EHCP. The age range of students admitted to WVTC is 16 to 19 years of age. The Centre has three year groups:
Year 12 – Vocational/Academic curriculum
Year 13 – Vocational/Academic curriculum
Year 14 – Supported Traineeship including English & Maths
Centre Organisation
We currently have 3 year groups in the Centre. Students are generally based in their year groups for their subjects, however this can change due to option choices or prior experiences. There is a maximum of 8 students in each class.
All students are arranged in tutor groups at the beginning and end of the day and have an individual tutor who they meet with on at least a fortnightly basis.
Year 12 & 13 students choose 2 vocational options to study over 1 or 2 years. The rest of their timetable is completed with English, Maths, Personal Development, Independent Living Skills and Employability lessons.
Year 14 follow the Supported Traineeship programme that is aimed to support their transition from WVTC into a positive destination. They also continue to study English and Maths.
All students complete a minimum of 16 hours per week and this usually takes place over 4 curriculum days.
Staff Expertise
All teaching at WVTC is carried out by staff who are experienced in teaching students with learning difficulties. Vocational subject specialists work across the centre teaching the whole curriculum. Staff are kept up to date with training through the school CPD programme, outside agencies or training course providers.
At WVTC our assessment tool is Solar and this helps us to monitor small steps of progress. We also use subject specific long term plans to monitor and track progress.
When students arrive at WVTC they receive baseline testing for English and Maths. We use this data, as well as any assessment data from their previous school/organisation to group them appropriately for these subjects.
Students also choose two vocational options and can continue these for 1 or 2 years. As well as this they will undertake qualifications in Personal Development, Independent Living Skills and Employability. All qualifications completed at WVTC are delivered through nationally recognised awarding bodies including, but not limited to, Pearson BTEC, City & Guilds, NOCN, NCFE & OCN West Midlands.
All students receive an annual review of their EHCP in which a yearly report is written and shared with all key stakeholders. All students receive Autumn and Summer Term written reports and there are opportunities for parents’/carers discussions in the Spring term when our open evening is held.
Approaches to Teaching
The vast majority of our students will have their needs met through normal classroom arrangement and appropriate differentiation. Teachers/Instructors are encouraged to take a practical, active and creative approach to their teaching in all of their teaching subjects. Where different approaches are needed we may consult with the student’s Local Authority to discuss any extra support that may be required.
Centre Day
Students at WVTC study for a minimum of 16 hours per week. Each day that students attend starts at 8.45 am and finishes at 2.30 pm. In most cases this will be 4 full days a week, however this may be slightly less depending on whether students have achieved their GCSE Grade 4 or Functional Skills Level 2 in English and/or Maths.
The Centre day is split into the following timetable:
8:45 am – 9:00 am: Registration/Pastoral time
9:00 am – 10:30 am: Session 1
10:30 am – 10:45 am: BREAK
10:45 am – 12:15 pm: Session 2
12:15 pm – 12:45 pm: LUNCH
12:45 pm – 2:15 pm: Session 3
2:15 pm – 2:30 pm: Tutor Group Meetings