Our centre expects high standards of its learners and appearance is no exception.
This uniform policy has been created to ensure all learners can be confident through their vocationally relevant appearance and represent the centre appropriately. Our centre is a place for teaching and learning and preparation for employment, this uniform policy is based on this fundamental fact.
Our students have a choice on whether to wear WVTC branded T-Shirts and jumpers however they are not compulsory. Parents/Carers have been made aware that if students choose to wear their own clothes WVTC cannot be held liable for any damage or loss of these items. WVTC branded T-Shirts and Jumpers are available to buy from the Office Manager.
Our centre Uniform Policy aims to achieve the following:
- Enables our students to be smart and work ready for every work place scenario.
- Allow additional activities to be facilitated and safe.
- To understand the importance of appropriate work wear when entering the world of work.
The role of Parents & Carers
Parents/Carers are asked to support this Centre uniform policy. We believe parents/carers have a duty to send their child to the centre appropriately dressed and ready to learn.
Basic uniform is as follows:
- Black WVTC Polo Shirt/Jumper or own smart T-Shirt/Jumper
- Vocationally relevant overalls – Black/Blue (Dependent on personal pathway)
- Work boots (Dependent on personal pathway)
- Appropriate leg wear
- No offensively branded wear
- Hats/Caps and Hoods are not allowed (other than for the walk to and from the Centre)
It is expected that students will provide their own PPE for their vocational pathways.
Sensible and comfortable shoes should be worn by both males and females when in the centre. High-heeled shoes are not deemed appropriate. Shoes should be worn that comply with the Health and Safety requirements of the vocational areas learners are working in.
Jewellery is permitted but must also comply to various Health and Safety requirements of the vocational pathways and be appropriate in the workplace.
Therefore, as a guide:
- 1 pair of stud earrings – no other piercings are permitted to be worn.
- A smart / sensible wrist watch.
Note: Jewellery is the responsibility of the pupil and not the Centre. Lost or damaged items will not be refunded.
Hair styles and cosmetics
As the WVTC curriculum has at its core the preparation of learners for work or further study, learners who choose to wear make-up and style their hair should do so with this in mind and ask themselves ‘Would this be appropriate in the work-place?’