Successful start to the new academic year at WVTC
We are really pleased to share the fantastic start all of our students have had. From day one of the new academic year all of the year groups have been attending really well and working hard in their chosen vocational areas.
Our new Year 12 students have settled in really well to the Centre demonstrating excellent maturity as well as a willingness to get stuck into new challenges. Although they have come from a range of different settings they have quickly formed strong friendships and are proving a formidable team in each of their areas. All of their teachers have complimented them on their positive attitude and it has been really pleasing to see that not one student has changed their option choices showing a resilience and work ready attitude.
Year 13 continue to build on their successful first year. Although only a small cohort they have really impressed with their positive attitudes and willingness to support the new students as they enter our centre. They are all undertaking a range of successful work experience placements and proving to our local employers how mature and work ready they have become.
Finally we have our Year 14 Supported Traineeship group. They have all settled in well to their new ‘employed’ roles and their behaviour and attitude to work has been first class. They are all now engaged in positive work experience placements with most of them completing two days every week with an employer. When they are back in the centre they are then ensuring they keep up with their employability qualifications which will hopefully support them in getting future employment opportunities.
Keep up the good work!!