Best Performing Multi-Academy Trust in the Country

Central Learning Partnership Trust – Best Performing Multi Academy Trust in the Country

The DfE recently published performance data for Multi Academy Trusts, in which it graded the aggregated scores of all academies in each phase. The KS2 data showed Central Learning Partnership Trust to be one of only six MATs nationally, to have progress scores in all three categories: Reading, Writing and Maths, judged as ‘significantly above average’.

Additionally, using the new school accountability progress measures introduced this year, CLPT was the top performing KS2 MAT nationally, in both reading and maths and second nationally in writing.

Unfortunately, one has to have a minimum of three schools in a key stage to be included in the published data. As we only have two secondary partners at present, we were not featured. Had we been so, our average KS2 Progress 8 score of +0.47, would have seen CLPT ranked second nationally at secondary level.

The above is testimony to the hard work and unrelenting effort everyone in our Trust, adults and young people alike, have made over the years and an accolade of which all involved should be hugely proud.

Well done!